A new generation of online collaboration
that puts you in control

AltoSky Nextcloud Hub

Demo AltoSky Nextcloud

Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive email, manage your calendar and have video chats without data leaks

Get AltoSky Nextcloud
Enterprise File Sync and Share

Nextcloud Files

Nextcloud Files offers universal file access on desktop, mobile and web. Find files with powerful search, share your thoughts in comments or lock files until you are done with them.

Calls, chat and web meetings

Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud Talk delivers on-premises, private audio/video conferencing and text chat through browser and mobile interfaces with integrated screen sharing and SIP integration.

Calendar, Contacts & Mail

Nextcloud Groupware

Nextcloud Groupware integrates Calendar, Contacts, Mail and other productivity features to help teams get their work done faster, easier and on your terms.

Why Nextcloud Hub

  • Hosted on the Cloud
  • Highly Customizable
  • Very easy to use
  • Integration in infrastructure
  • Security and encryption

Key capabilities.

As a comprehensive platform, Nextcloud Hub has a wide range of abilities not easy to explain with a few bullet points.

What sets AltoSky Nextcloud apart?

A complete platform

Nextcloud offers the most comprehensive, deeply integrated on-premises collaboration platform on the market, replacing dozens of other tools.

  • Secure file exchange within and between organizations
  • Collaborative editing of docx, xlsx and more
  • File versioning, restore and retention control
  • Commenting on files, adding notes to share links
  • Integrated chat and secure audio-video calls
  • Calendar, mail and task management tools
  • Comprehensive set of security capabilities

Switching between different tools is more than cumbersome and inefficient: it also increases the chance for mistakes that can result in data leaks.

Having a complete, all-in-one solution simplifies the IT infrastructure for both users and the IT team, improving productivity and security.

Get AltoSky Nextcloud